One of the bigger points of frustration during this campaign season has been the popularity of Ron Paul and his pseudo-libertarianism. Paul has zero chance of winning the nomination (did he ever?) and is increasingly irrelevant as the race becomes dominated by the shenanigans of Gingrich and Romney. The idea of Ron Paul ever becoming president is a complete fantasy, so I'm not concerned about that nightmare. What does freak me out are Ron Paul's supporters. I'm not talking about the racist, paranoid, teabaggers who crawled out from under their rocks after a socialist/Muslim/Kenyan/fascist Black man became president. No, those freaks aren't a threat (but they do offer hours and hours of laughs!). What concerns me are his supporters from the
Can you please explain this madness to me?
agree that the U.S. should end the wars and adopt a more isolationist military
policy (we're broke!). But, Paul thinks the U.S. shouldn't get involved in any war.
In fact, Paul thinks that the U.S. shouldn't have fought against
Hitler, because "saving the Jews" was not a "moral imperative". He also opposes all foreign aid and
believes the US should leave NATO,
the United Nations and the World Health Organization.
Lefties say they like Paul's opposition to the Patriot Act and his defence of
civil liberties. Maybe. But his mantra of "personal freedoms" ends when
it comes to gay marriage and a women's right to choose. His record on abortion rights in appalling; he voted in favor of a ban on partial birth abortion and he wants to see Roe v Wade repealed so the issue can be settled by the states. Paul wants to limit the federal government's ability to create and enforce legislation regulating what a state can and cannot do. But, when it comes to protecting the rights of individuals within the states....meh.
You see, to Ron Paul, federal legislation to protect civil rights at the state
level and within private enterprises is a big “no-no”. He opposes the Americans with
Disabilities Act because "it's an intrusion into private property
rights" and he says
that he would have voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In
addition, he is opposed to any legislation against discrimination in the
workplace based on gender or sexual orientation. Basically, he is speaking
on both sides of his mouth: he claims to be in favor of individual freedoms, but is also totally in favor of allowing states to limit individual freedoms.
Not. Compute.
Let’s take a look at some of his other
positions of craziness (via Crooks and Liars):
Wants to abolish the income tax
Wants to place the U.S. on the gold standard
Would allow people to engage in trade using gold
and silver instead of currency
Wants to eliminate the taxation of foreign
Doesn’t believe in global warming
Says Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare are
Wants to eliminate antitrust laws
Wants to eliminate estate taxes
Taxes would be a flat 10% on all earners
Would get rid of tax credits to individuals who
are not corporations
Would eliminate tax
credits for the elderly, child care and earned incomes
He has voted to make
it easier to decertify unions
Opposes the FDIC
Opposes raising the
debt ceiling – ever.
Wants to freeze
spending at 2004 levels
· Believes widespread bankruptcy
would be a good stimulus for the nation
Opposed the auto
Opposes regulation of
Sponsored the Marriage Protection Act
Would repeal affirmative action
Would limit the scope of Brown v Board of Education
Thinks emergency rooms should be allowed to turn away undocumented
Wants to defund Planned Parenthood
Voted in favor and signed the GOP nominee pledge in favor of fetal
Supports a ban on flag burning
Supports a ban on the federal funding of stem cell research
Opposes subsidies for prescription drugs for seniors
Opposes mandatory vaccinations
Would expand offshore drilling
Would increase mining on federal lands
Would weaken Clean Air Act and the Federal Water Pollution Control
Would repeal Soil and Water Conservation Act
Wants to eliminate the departments of Energy, Education,
Agriculture, Commerce, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, and Labor
Would eliminate the Environmental Protection Agency
Would eliminate FEMA and OHSA
Would eliminate the Federal Reserve
Would eliminate AmeriCorps
Would eliminate gas taxes
Believes we have no right to health care
Believes law enforcement can’t help people, only armed citizens
can prevent violence
Believes groups of people don’t have rights, only individuals do
Believes in the concept of “jury nullification”, the concept that
a jury can judge not only the facts of a case but the justness of the law itself
Believes social welfare should be in the hands of individuals only
and not government
then there is the issue of the newsletters. How can you claim to be a
liberal/progressive and a Ron Paul supporter after reading this?:
"I've been told not to talk, but these stooges don't scare me. Threats or no threats, I've laid bare the coming race war in our big cities. The federal-homosexual cover-up on AIDS (my training as a physician helps me see through this one)." - Direct mail ad promoting Paul's newsletters, 1993.
"I miss the closet. Homosexuals, not to speak of the rest of society, were far better off when social pressure forced them to hide their activities. They could also not be as promiscuous. Is it any wonder the AIDS epidemic started after they 'came out of the cloaset', and started hyper-promiscuous sodomy?" - June 1990
"[Martin Luther King, Jr.], the FBI files reveal, was not only a world-class adulterer, he also seduced underage girls and boys...And we are supposed to honor this 'Christian minister' and lying socialist satyr with a holiday that puts him on par with George Washington?" - December 1990
Do you really want to be associated with a man who is
supported by America's neo-Nazis?
Look, we are living in very difficult times. With the unending wars
and attacks on civil liberties, I definitely understand the need to find
someone who is willing to take on the system. Ron Paul is not that man. In fact, it is his brand of extremism that we - as good liberals and progressives - should be fighting against.