Monday, 13 February 2012

Republicans + birth control = fail x 100

Are the Republicans really this stupid?:
Republicans are doubling down in their assault on President Obama’s birth control requirement, insisting that his accommodation of religious nonprofits does not address religious concerns. But by attempting to keep the heat on Obama, the GOP might be diving head-first into a culture war over contraception that social conservatives lost long ago in the minds of the public.
Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) said the House will push to repeal the rule entirely, while Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said Republicans will force a vote on legislation permitting any employer to deny birth control coverage in their health insurance plan by claiming a moral or religious objection. “This issue will not go away until the administration simply backs down,” McConnell said Sunday on CBS’ Face The Nation.
Obama’s new policy permits religious nonprofits such as universities, charities and hospitals to opt out of the requirement and instead force the insurance company to pay for their employee’s contraception. (Churches were always exempt.) Republicans dismiss that as a gimmick and not good enough. Boehner’s spokesman Michael Steel called on Obama to “take up the Bishops’ offer to find a resolution that respects all Americans’ Constitutional rights.”
Let's look at some statistics, shall we?

Huh. It seems the only people against contraception coverage are white evangelicals. Go figure.
It's also important to remember that 98% of sexually active Catholic women have used birth control at some point during their lives. It's so freaking ironic and completely maddening that health care policies concerning access to birth control are being influenced by a bunch of old Catholic bishops who aren't able or willing to manage the problem of rape and molestation within their own ranks. 
By all means, keep harping against an issue the majority of Americans support. Please. Don't. Stop:

If the debate becomes about contraception coverage, it has the potential to drive a wedge between the GOP. For instance, Sens. Olympia Snowe (R-ME) and Susan Collins (R-ME) have in the past championed a birth control mandate similar to Obama’s, and were in no rush to exempt religious groups. Even prominent conservatives like House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA), Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH) have voted for legislation that included a contraception mandate in federal employee health care plans.
The firestorm over the birth control rule has captured the attention of voters who otherwise pay little attention to politics. Republicans have largely held the upper hand so far by keeping the focus on religious freedom, but Obama’s new accommodation for faith-based nonprofits weakens that argument. And as some moderate Republicans have already warned, wading into a no-holds-barred culture war over contraception could be a political disaster for the GOP.

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